The Government of Lao PDR and the UN join forces to promote SDGs


The Government of Lao PDR and UN agencies kicked off today the celebrations to mark World Food Day (WFD) and the International Day (and National Week) for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) aiming at ensuring commitments to action on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Celebrated today, 16 October, under the theme “Our Actions are our Future. Healthy Diets for a #ZeroHungerWorld, WFD calls upon everyone to start thinking about what we eat and encourages coordinated action to achieve SDG 2 on zero hunger. This call for action across sectors seek to make healthy and sustainable diets affordable and accessible to all. Such actions also contribute toward achieving SDG1 on no poverty.

This year, under the theme “Acting Together to Empower Children, their Families and Communities to End Poverty”, IDEP puts special emphasis on children. 2019 marks the 30th Anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on 20 November. The convention recognizes the right of every child to a standard of living adequate for the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development. Poverty hurts children’s development and, in turn, leads to lower income and health in adulthood. When child poverty is recognized as a denial of children’s human rights then people in positions of responsibility and power are legally bound to promote, protect and fulfil children’s rights. Above all, it is imperative to recognize and address the specific discriminations experienced by the girl child.

“Not only the Government, UN agencies, private sector or farmers, but everyone needs to take actions to end poverty and achieve zero hunger in Lao PDR. In order to achieve SDGs we need to enhance responsibilities and effective implementation of the measures stipulated in the 8th National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP),” said H.E. Dr. Lien Thikeo, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.

The Government of Lao PDR along with FAO and other UN agencies as well as development partners are working together closely to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG1 No Poverty and SDG2 Zero Hunger, which are the base for any further development.

“FAO calls for collective responsibility and collaboration at local, national and international levels to work together to push forward and achieve SDG2, which aims to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030,” stated FAO Representative in the Lao PDR Mr Nasar Hayat.

The public event to mark these important dates includes more than 100 exhibition booths, providing interesting information, images and knowledge on food security, as well as healthy, nutritious and sustainable diets.

Lao PDR is actively moving forward to achieve all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The country has made important progress in addressing food security and promoting nutritious diets for all. The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the proportion of hungry people was achieved by 2015, but stunting and wasting indicators for children under age of five years still pose challenges.

Throughout the year, to mark the 30th Anniversary of CRC, the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children (NCAWMC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) and other line ministries along with private sector, civil society organisations and children themselves, supported by UNICEF, are organizing a series of public engagement activities to build awareness, support and commitment to action on the implementation of CRC and SDGs.



Steven Cleary                                                              Southida Souliyavong

Communication consultant, FAO Laos                                    Programme Liaison Officer, FAO Laos

(+85620) 56607279                                                     (+85620 55920386)                                        


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