The Attapeu Wilderness Loop with Mega Mark


Mega Mark Jones heads off the beaten Bolaven track and motors onto the Attapeu Wilderness Loop. The route journeys to the plateau’s southeast corner on a motorbike tour lined with roaring waterfalls.

AttapeuSekong River from Attapeu Town

Mega Mark guides travellers from Paksong along the road to Tad Tayicsua Waterfall and further to Route 11 and the run to Attapeu Town. He takes you to visit the hidden Saephra and Saeponglai Waterfalls on the Bolaven Plateau’s southern edge, before a 50-km dirt-road ride north back to Paksong.  

Saephra Waterfalls AttapeuSaephra  Watterfalls

Join Mega as he leads you to “Attapeu: A Wilderness Area of Southern Laos”

Attapeu Province (and Attapeu Township) is a lesser visited area of Laos, and lies along the Southern Edge of the BOLAVEN PLATEAU. It is in a remote area and is also a side trip from the conventional BIG LOOP. Attapeu is a picturesque provincial town situated on a peninsular formed by a pronounced v-bend in the Xekhong River. The sheer wall of the southern edge of the Bolaven escarpment provides an impressive backdrop to the town. There is actually not much to do in Attapeu but it is a recommended overnight stop before riding out to the visually impressive SAEPRA FALLS and SAEPONGLAI FALLS.

To read the full guide, click here




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