Are you ready to travel to Vang Vieng? If so, pack your bags and enjoy your trip at the Vang Vieng Camellia Hotel for 100,000 kip per night for two persons
Room amenities include A/C, fan, cable TV, fridge, kettle, hot shower, hair dryer, soap& shampoo, clean towels…
Room rate included
+Free breakfast for 2 persons
+Free internet WiFi
+Free kitchen usage
+Free drinking water
+Free pick up and drop off at local bus station
+Free cooking class ( at weekend & on requests)
+Free room upgraded ( if available without extra paid )
+Free tourist information
+Free city map
+Free daily room service
+Discount 50% motorbike rental
We open 24/7 and we have a place to park your car.
We are here to serve you and make your stay enjoyable.
Contact us
Hotline: 020.99716551
Whatsapp: +8562099716551