Mekong Hotel

Mekong Hotel is located on Sethathirath Road, Thakhek District, Khammouane. The hotel provides a range of services and amenities to make you more comfortable. Front desk services, including concierge, luggage storage, and safety deposit boxes Furthermore, the hotel’s tour can help you book seats to the city’s best entertainment. Free Wi-Fi is offered throughout your stay. If you travel by car, parking spaces are always available. The smoking area is designated for the well-being of the guests and stuff. If you are an animal lover and take your pets with you, pets are allowed at the Mekong Hotel. If you need to relax, the spa and karaoke rooms are always available. All rooms are equipped with amenities to make you more comfortable while spending your days at the hotel. Besides, there is a bar lounge and a restaurant that are ready to serve the best to their guests.