Getting around Sayabouly

Sayabouly Town is the province’s travel hub, with Hongsa serving the north and Paklay launching trips in the south.

Getting around Sayabouly

Tuk tuks, sawng taews (Pickup trucks with benches), 4WD vehicles, and minivans are the main forms of transportation between the three hubs and outlying provinces. They leave two-to-three times throughout the day from the local bus stations.

Schedules, destinations, and transportation type are constantly changing, so it is best to check at the bus station for departure times. You can negotiate with drivers to hire them and their vehicles for the day. Travel companies, mostly based in Sayabouly, offer tours and vehicles with drivers.

Guesthouses and hotels in the three district hubs can often help arrange transportation to tour the surrounding area, and a few rent bicycles and motorcycles. Tour companies based in Luang Prabang also operate programmes in the province.