Joma Bakery Café

Fresh baked goods, delicious soups and sandwiches, and fair-trade Lao Arabica coffee in the heart of Southeast Asia. Joma is all about improving lives – whether it’s serving artfully prepped lattes to happy customers, pouring energy into the development of our diverse team, or reaching out to our communities with our time and resources. We are also constantly looking ways towards to be responsible citizens of our planet earth – we were one of early adopters of the paper straw, giving discounts for reusable cup/container users, and are looking to launch the Smile cup (a to-go paper cup with no plastic lid!) soon! Joma has 4 locations in Vientiane – Namphou, Phonthan, Thatluang, and Parkson – and 2 in Luang Prabang – Hua Xieng and Vat Sene.